Why You Should Never Skip Your Heating Tune-Up

Are you ready for chilly weather in New York and Connecticut? Before we know it, we’ll be turning on the heat at night to combat lower temperatures, which is why it’s so important that you book your annual heating system tune-up now. This important yearly service is highly recommended to protect your equipment and your family’s comfort. Check out our top three reasons to never skip your heating system tune-up!

3 Important Reasons to Schedule a Heating System Tune-Up

Be ready for the first cold snap

A fall heating system tune-up is critical to make sure your equipment is up to the challenge of cold winter temperatures. Scheduling your tune-up before the season really starts is the best way to ensure that your system is in top working order for the entire season.

Take advantage of major benefits

There are several reasons why HVAC service providers strongly encourage homeowners to get their heating systems cleaned and checked every year. In just one annual visit, your trusted technician can seriously improve the operation of your heating system, and:

  • Reduce the risk of mid-season breakdowns
  • Extend equipment lifespan
  • Increase operating efficiency
  • Lower heating costs
  • Improve overall comfort and safety

Gain peace of mind

When that first bitterly cold day rolls around, the last thing you want to feel is no warm air blowing out of your heating system. Scheduling your heating tune-up is essential to avoid equipment malfunctions. Think about it: a breakdown in the middle of the winter means interrupted comfort for your family and extra money out of your wallet. An annual tune-up includes preventative maintenance that helps identify minor issues before they become major ones.

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Want to Skip this Year’s Tune-Up? Have a New Heating System Installed!

There’s one way to safely skip this year’s heating system tune-up, and that’s if you get in touch with Marshall Oil now about a new heating equipment installation. Some signs that your current heating system might need replacement include:

  • Increased fuel usage
  • Foreign sounds or odors
  • Uneven heating from room to room
  • Repairs needed more frequently

Experiencing one or more of these signs? Reach out to Marshall Oil to request a FREE heating system installation quote, and don’t worry about scheduling a heating system tune-up until next year!